If you’ve been sliding into the DM’s of someone that isn’t your girlfriend, and she finds out, this blog might be helpful. Walking outside to find that your ride has been egged really sucks. While sometimes this happens just because other people are d-bags, the fact remains that egging a car is still a rather effective method of pissing someone off – or getting revenge.
Nevertheless, if this happens to you, it’s crucial to remove it ASAP before it has time to dry, cook in direct sunlight, and begin to damage your paint job. So, let’s provide a roadmap on how to remove egg stains from your car’s paint job. In the info below, we’ll outline four different methods for cleaning a sticky egg from your car’s paint job.
Method #1 – Spraying if Off with a Hose and Washing

So, the easiest way of removing the egg from paint is right after you’ve discovered it. In a perfect world, you’ll stroll outside in the early morning, find the splattered non-fertilized chicken on your ride – before direct sunlight starts to really do some damage.
If this is your situation, the best way of removing the stuff is to break out the hose, cleaning solution, and spray it off. However, where many folks fail – is forgetting the second phase of this method – and that’s washing the car using the two-bucket method.
Here is what you need:
Car washing supplies – and that’s pretty much it.
Go through the process of washing your car as normal. While it might seem easy to just spray off the egg, this simply won’t do the trick. You see, eggs contain sulfur which is a component of two amino acids found in the egg white and the yoke. When it contacts the clear coat of your paint, it begins to chemically bond to the surface, eventually leading to cracking or crazing.
Simply spraying water over eggs splattered on your paint won’t remove the toxic stuff. So – wash the car. If you were a douche to somebody, and they got revenge, man up and just do this to avoid damage.
Method #2 – Soaking Egg Stains

This is what you’ll do if you find the stain after it’s had time to dry. As we mentioned above, once egg starts to dry, the sulfur and other crap that makes eggs taste great for breakfast (for some people – in all honestly, I can’t stand eggs), will begin to stick to clearcoats, glass, plastic, and other materials.
If this happens, it can cause serious damage to the clearcoat or primary surface of wherever it’s stuck. So, to remove the stain, you’ll have to embrace some clothes washing techniques of soaking it before removal.
Here is how it’s done – and what you’ll need.
Materials Needed
- Hot water
- Scrub brush or mitt
- Spray bottle
- Soap
First Step – Mix Hot Water and Car Wash Shampoo in a Spray Bottle
Second Step – Spray the solution on the spot. The key is to let it soak for a few minutes (but don’t do this during direct sunlight hours or in extreme heat).
Third Step – Use a microfiber wash mitt to remove the stain. Once the soap solution has soaked for a bit, use a wash mitt made from microfiber to wash the stain from the surface. The soaked soap solution should loosen up the ‘sticky stuff’ from the egg and make it easier to remove.
Method #3 – Using a Waterless Wash

Truth be told (I mean, I admitted to not liking eggs earlier) – this is one I’m not a huge fan of, but it’s a quick and easy way of removing egg splatters, bug guts, bird crap and more. There are several good waterless wash products. You can pick any product you’d like – as they all pretty much work the same.
Here is what you do to remove eggs from car paint.
First Step – Spray the waterless wash formula on the egg debris. Let it soak as directed by the manufacturer’s recommendation.
Second Step – Use a microfiber cloth or towel to remove the excess debris.
Third Step – Repeat if needed.
Method #4 – Use Cutting Compound to Buff Out

If the egg stain is causing you more frustration than coming off, it’s possible that it’s embedded into the clear coat of your paint job. If this has happened, then paint correction is your next logical step. Here is the problem though; the level of paint correction or ‘buffing it out’ will depend largely on the level of damage that has occurred.
If you’re a seasoned car care expert, then you’ll understand that paint correction is a detailed and customized process, that should be handled by someone with the right level of experience. If you’re not comfortable with using orbital polishers and cutting compounds, defer to a professional detailer.
One of the methods that are often recommended by idiots who simply copy or rewrite something they found on Google – but I’ll flat out tell you is stupid, is trying to remove egg splatters with brake fluid. Brake fluid is incredibly toxic stuff and can cause more damage to paint than the egg stain. So – just don’t even think about using brake fluid to remove eggs.
Wrapping it Up
Obviously, you can’t control how people screw with your ride. But, if you discover that someone has egged your precious ride, wash it off as soon as possible. If it’s stuck or has been sitting in direct sunlight for a longer period of time, it might be a good idea to have a detailer take a stab at removing any egg stains.
1 comment
If the egg has dried on your car, leave it alone. The egg turns into a rubberized coating that bonds with the paint. Eventually, in the weather, it will begin to break down and release the paint. This happened to my wife’s car. It has taken a year, but now it can be cleaned off. If you can’t wait that long, you will have to have it repainted.
If the egg has dried on your car, leave it alone. The egg turns into a rubberized coating that bonds with the paint. Eventually, in the weather, it will begin to break down and release the paint. This happened to my wife’s car. It has taken a year, but now it can be cleaned off. If you can’t wait that long, you will have to have it repainted.